To Save Lives from Overdose…One Musician at a Time!



knowledge is power

Saving the life of a fellow musician is as simple as learning a song on your instrument. Take the training, sign our form, take the life-saving naloxone and then rehearse the scenario of coming upon someone in an overdose. Run the scenario in your head over and over from time to time so that if you ever are presented with this situation, It’s second nature to you. Freezing up in panic can mean the difference between saving a musician and not saving a musician.


It’s not a perfect solution

The reality is that overdose is real, but no attempt to save a life works every time. However, the possibility of saving someones life with naloxone greatly improves the musicians chance of survival.


“Be empowered to save a musician!”


How We Work

The TEMPO program is a mission of multiple independent non-profits, each with their own individual missions. With TEMPO, all who are members, however, bring different strengths to the TEMPO mission and we believe that collectively, we can save many more lives…certainly more than if we were to tackle this epidemic alone. If you are a musician, take the training in the training tab in the menu, and be empowered to save a life. If you are a non-profit, and feel you can lock arms with the TEMPO mission team, please click on the join tempo tab in the menu and let’s save more musicians!


Ready to help?


